26.05.14 – St Peter Port to St Helier (Jersey).
True distance 28.0 Nm, final log reading 31.0 Nm. Departed St Peter Port 0630 arrived St Helier waiting pontoon 1230. Av O.G.4.7 knots. Av O.W 5.2 knots. Weather W4, shwrs, sea state mod, viz Good. Left to clear cill with plan to have breakfast on the Swan pontoons outside, but there was no space, so pressed on against the tide for a couple of hours. There should have been enough water to get into St Helier at 1450, however, we were greeted on arrival by the sight of an unfortunate yacht dried out on top of the cill gates. Apparently he had tried getting in just too late! By the time they related him with the incoming tide, and towed him away to be lifted out for inspection, we finally berthed in the marina at 1530. Pricey at £28.50 plus £2.50 electricity. Discovered mainsail ripped below 3rd reef point after passage from Salcombe. Temp repair effected.